Monthly Archives: August 2011


When I became a christian I was adopted into the family of God. So I have 2 families for now. For God so loved the world he sent his only begotton son to die on the cross for you and me. Isn’t that wonderful news. I am always awed at how he could sacrifice his only son. I cannot comprehend his love toward us. God loved us while we were yet sinners.

The word of God ( The Bible) says we love him because he first loved us. How true? How can I not love a loving father who was willing to give his most prized possession to adopt me and the rest of us into his family. We can show we love him by being obedient to his word. We can have victory with God by feeding our spirits as we read his most word, the bible.

I dont know about you but, I cannot wait to get to heaven. To be able to see my God, to be able to lay before his presence and worship at his throne. We can do this hear now on earth in our carnal state, but oh, the glory when we shall see him face to face. What a day that will be.

I miss my loved ones who were here on earth and have gone to the grave. But I hold on to the hope that I have in Christ Jesus. And some day I will see those loved ones again. Hallalua

We used to sing a song that went like this: What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see; When I look upon his face the one who saved me by his grace. When he takes me by the hand and leads me to the promised land. What a day. Glorious day that will be.
