Sundays Message

Faith comes by hearing …….always remember we need to read or listen to the word of God on a daily basis. It is the bread of life ;It is rivers of living water; we need to eat fresh manna every day in order to grow and mature into strong children of God.

If we don’t feed our physical bodies we become weak and sick and sometime starve to death; Our souls are very similar; we need to feed the soul. Whether through a sermon, or reading his word, listening to a cd or watching a dvd, etc. It helps to pray and worship God on a daily basis. NOT just on Sundays, but every day of the year.

Jesus wants to give us life; life abundantly. He is the Way, the Truth and the LIGHT. He is the author and finisher of your life. He is the Alpha and the OMEGA; the BEGINNING and the END. No, that is NO one can come to the Father except through the son.

His word says; Come unto me and I shall give you rest.
I will supply all your need.
Drink of this water and you shall never thirst again
I am the bread of life
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God

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